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Five Great Ways To Control Your Eating
Habits During The Holidays

By Kim Farmer CFT A.C.E., AFAA

The holidays are fast approaching and so are the cakes, pies and cobblers. With these sweet temptations made easily available to us at every potluck, party, or office cubicle, it is no wonder that we find ourselves fighting the bulge come January. Check out these tips to help you control your appetite, and still allow yourself the occasional indulgence.

At potlucks or buffet meals, fill up on salads and other veggies before digging into the main course. Your stomach will feel full and you won’t be tempted to make unwise food choices from the rest of the medley. If there are appetizer trays available, pass on the chips and choose the carrot and celery sticks instead.

We all love mashed potatoes and fried chicken--who can resist? You don’t have to! Take one piece of the bird, preferably the breast or the wing, which have the lower caloric content, and remove the skin. Control the portions on the potatoes down to a couple of tablespoons and skip (or go light) on the butter or gravy. Here’s the motto: Don’t skip it, just modify it!

There’s no need to pass on the desert; just allow yourself a small serving of the peach cobbler and other sweet cuisine. No seconds!

Getting into the "spirit" of the holidays usually means easy access to those delicious martinis or perhaps a daiquiri or mixed concoction is your pleasure. No worries! Go ahead and have one--and I do mean just one. Liquor is usually high in calories with a typical martini boasting 250 calories and a beer 150 calories.

Feeling tired after all the party planning, family gatherings, and potlucks? If you can’t find the energy to get to the gym like you normally do, it's OK to miss a workout or two. But don’t stay away from that treadmill too long or you’ll find yourself staying away permanently! Exercise makes you feel more energetic, burns calories and can help you work off those lemon bars and pound cake. So get off that couch and get moving!

Editor’s note: Kim Farmer is a Certified Personal Trainer working in the Denver metro area. Visit her web site at or call 720-436-3899.