Hats Of To...

Volunteer Wins Good Samaritan Award
The Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center Foundation named Dottie Gillespie, a 43-year volunteer for the Bal Swan Children’s Center, the 2005 Exempla Good Samaritan Award Winner.
Designed to honor community members who go out of their way to help others in need, Gillespie is a first-time winner of this award, which is sponsored by the Exempla Good Samaritan Foundation. The annual award was introduced in 2005 to build awareness of what it means to be a Good Samaritan and celebrate those who make a difference.
In her volunteer work at the Bal Swan Children’s Center in Broomfield, which provides educational programs for pre-schoolers, Gillespie volunteers weekly and substitutes for staff members in the classroom.
The Exempla Good Samaritan Award is open to community members who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to the community and service to others. Individuals, families or groups from the greater northwest metro area, including Lafayette, Superior, Louisville, Westminster, Broomfield and Erie are eligible.


Local Nonprofit Has New Leader
Hope Communities, a leader for community building through service enriched affordable housing and community development, has named Bradford Bates as their new Executive Director. Mr. Bates will succeed longtime Executive Director Ray Stranske who, with his wife Marilyn founded Hope Communities in 1980.
Mr. Bates brings with him the respect from both local and national partners through his accomplishments and commitment to improving the communities in which he has lived and worked. Bates has over 17 years of real estate, construction, and non-profit management experience.

DPS Student Wins Achievement Award Sponsored By Club Z! Tutoring
Selected by Club Z! Tutoring’s national office as the $500 winner for the 2005-2006 Annual Achievement Award, Charlotte Rivers’s many accomplishments include her work as a teacher’s aide for Summer Scholars, where she helps tutor elementary students in Northeast Denver public schools.  In addition, she’s been selected as a scholarship recipient for the Daniels Fund College Prep Program and stays busy maintaining her grade point average at the Denver School of the Arts.
The 2005-2006 Club Z! Tutoring Annual Achievement Award is extended to all students in grades 5-12 in Denver Public School and Aurora Public School districts.

For more information or to enter a student, call 303-692-1801 or visit www.clubztutoring.com.


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