Message From The Editor

"Black With A Capital B"

As the new managing editor of the Denver Urban Spectrum, I inherit the opportunity to assist a great legacy of community service; 19 years and going strong. There are so many things to discuss, and the articles in this month’s edition offer a small example of the possibilities. This issue contains several follow-up articles on hurricane Katrina and its aftermath one year later, with a view to the city itself, as well as, survivors’ stories of their new lives in Denver. Read about the continuing efforts of DPS and the Manual High School community, as well as, articles detailing the possibilities of investment in Africa, and managing college study in the “Motherland.” 

Future articles will be thought-provoking, educational, eye-opening and, hopefully, interesting and entertaining. One thing they are sure to do is uphold, explore and accentuate the dignity and responsibility of being a person of color, and specifically being Black -- an African American. In that regard, you will see that the term Black as used in this paper and by the writers, will always be written with a capital B. Black, as used in reference to the dark-skinned people of this country with African ancestry, is not an adjective; it is a noun. It is used as a noun no less than Negro, Caucasian, African American, Italian, Latino or any other noun which defines a group or race of people. It is often the little things we do or say unconsciously, that increase or decrease our sense of self worth.

The Urban Spectrum is about telling our story, and not allowing others to tell it for us. It is also about telling it our way, in our words, with our words. The initials speak loudly -- US.  As the saying goes, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Understanding ourselves with a “capital B” begins the process of never giving consent. 

I am honored to be a part of the legacy of Rosalind “Bee” Harris and the Denver Urban Spectrum, and I hope to hear from you, the readers, as the legacy continues.

Peace and blessings

Dante J. James, Esq.
Managing Editor


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