Message from the Editor

As we recognize Women’s History Month, March will mark the end and the beginning of new beginnings.

After carefully weighing her options, Tracy Williams has decided to clear part of her plate by passing the baton to TaShia Asanti as Urban Spectrum’s new managing editor starting in April. Her departing words included thanking the Urban Spectrum for this opportunity, its readers, and contributing writers. On behalf of the Urban Spectrum family, we thank Tracy for her commitment, perseverance, and honesty for a job well done. We wish her well. 

March will set the pace as we enter into a new era and make plans for our 20th year of spreading the news about people of color – locally, nationally, and abroad. Next month, read behind the scenes at US and find out who’s doing what and why.





In this issue, you will read about many women. Several contributors pay tribute to Coretta Scott King and how her legacy affected their lives. Linda Y. Brown brings us up close and personal with Syl Morgan-Smith, Jan McNutt’s reflects on the life of Nina Simone, and Sam Omatseye reviews the life of Ella Baker – two women symbolized as angels. Read about two local businesswomen and find out who inspired them to open a hair salon and beauty school and start an arts society that includes a film festival for African Americans. Discover where help is available for domestic violence victims and women living with AIDS. And for those who enjoy history, read Tyrone Yarbrough’s Slavery and Gynecology and how Defying the One Drop Rule by Regina Lynch-Hudson impacted her life.

So, make a cup of tea, light a candle, relax your mind and enjoy a little history – women’s that is.

Rosalind “Bee” Harris-Diaw

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